Negeri Sembilan
The folk of Negeri Sembilan are extremely proud of their state and its heritage. The Minangkabau legacy dictates that women are the leaders in society and that inheritances are passed down to daughters and not sons. Like every state steeped in history, Negeri Sembilan’s began in the 14th century when western Sumatran settlers came under threat from the Javanese.
Penang has a population of 1.2 million people of diverse races and cultures. It is truly Malaysia’s melting pot. Visitors will come to realise just how wonderfully multi-racial this state is after visiting the various heritage buildings and sites representing the island’s many ethics groups.
Malacca boasts many fine historical remains that will take you on a nostalgic journey that goes back to 500 years of a glorious and colourful past. Historically, Malacca was discovered in 1400 by an exiled prince named Parameswara from Sumatra, who sought sanctuary in a humble fishing village and decreed that a city be built where he stood.
In the Land of Lightning; that is Kelantan, expect to see the best of the traditional Malay culture. Indeed, time stands still as the people here still take pleasure in enjoying the simple things in life. Fishing villages and handicraft centres give visitors a glimpse of Kelantan's rich heritage and traditions, while its beautiful beaches and idyllic rural villages soothe the tired traveller & soul.