Tree Planting Initiative
Junglewalla hosted a Canadian International school based in China, comprising of students their respective teachers as well as representatives from an adventure group based in Hong Kong. The activity conducted for them was a tree planting initiative.
The activity began with a short briefing by Irshad on the importance of this activity and the significance it will bring to the well being of the natural state of the Island. After a quick snack (the group had just descended from Gunung Raya after the Hornbill project), the group divided itself into smaller groups of about three and were shown planting methods as well as the type of trees they were to help plant by our Senior Naturalist Irshad and our consultant gardener Ismail.
Tools to perform the task were traditional, comprising hoes (cangkuls) and elongated spades, but necessary and essential to complete the planting procedure effectively. For the participants, this was a milestone in their life experience as a multitude of them had never probably seen or used such agricultural tools before. It was a very good moment seeing them connecting with trees, which allows us to exist on earth and hopefully memories in their distant future will bring this day into fond remembrance.
A few types of trees were planted along the banks of a riverine and stream area called sg. Bukit Hantu in Langkawi at the foothills of Gunung Raya.
Among the trees planted were Eugenia claviflora (Muyu), Eugenia grandis (Sea apple/Jambu Laut) Eugenia polyantha (Salam) & Eugenia pseudosubtilis (Kerian) .
After a successful mid morning day of tree planting, the activity concluded with Irshad conveying his appreciation to the participants for their contribution and the group adjourned for lunch at Panorama Hotel.
Post By : Gary Ruben – Lepidopterist