A Bird Race is a fun learning bird watching activity where teams of 3 competitors race for certain duration at designated sites to watch, identify and record as many bird species as possible. Each team will be accompanied by a guide or marshal whose task is to observe the team’s identification methodology, accuracy in identification, safety for both birds and competitors as well to ensure level playing field for both local and visiting birders to the
event site.
Upon registration, each team will be provided with an Official Bird Checklist, a Log Sheet and a copy of the Birding Ethics.
Winning Prizes
- First Prize: ………………. RM2000.00
- Second Prize: ………….. RM1000.00
- Third Prize: ……………… RM500.00
- Consolation Prizes – Field Guide Books and goodies
Rules and Regulations
- The welfare of the birds must come first. Caged, restrained, injured or dead birds or birds declared by the Arbitrators as escapees will not be counted. Care must also be taken to not cause distress to both the birds and to the surrounding vegetation and wildlife.
- The race is open to all persons of sound health and with some basic knowledge of birds.
- Teams must consist of minimum three (3) persons and must be officially registered with the Organizers by filling the official Entry Form before or on 25th November 2011
- The use of Field Guides is highly encouraged for each team.
- The race will commence at 07:30am on 26th November to 12:00pm on 27th November at the event centre.
- The winning team will be the one that records the highest number of species of birds. Names of species must conform with those listed in the Official Checklist.
- Any team that is late in submitting their results (made in the Log Book issued before the race) to the Arbitrators after 12: 00 noon on Sunday, 27th November 2011, will be penalized at the rate of one species per minute.
- The Arbitrators will stop accepting logs at 12:10pm on Sunday, 27th November 2011 at which point teams that have not submitted their logs would be deemed on holiday and disqualified with our thanks and well wishes!.
- All birds must be seen by the majority of the team members i.e. 2 members.
- Teams may record birds from any part of the designated areas. The specific areas for the race will be briefed before the event.
- A Race Briefing will be held sharp 5:30pm – 6:00pm on 25th November 2011 at the Official Venue (The Andaman Hotel). All teams MUST attend this briefing so as to discuss safety protocols, rules and regulations.
- Attracting birds with audio equipment is totally prohibited.
- Flash photography of nesting birds is totally prohibited. The organizers however, highly encourage photographs of birds deemed rare and/or are possible new records for verification purposes.
- The Arbitrators may request team members and/or guide to provide verbal details of the species sighted and recorded and failure to do so may result in a penalty.
- Any teams contravening the rules and regulations of the race will be disqualified.
- The Arbitrators’ decision is final.
- Registration fee of RM200.00 per team of 3 is payable upon Registration on 25th November 2011 at the event venue.
- The registration fee includes prize giving gala dinner at The Andaman Luxury Collection Langkawi.
- The Organizers reserves the right to decline any registration for the race without giving any explaination for doing so.