Event 2012

Graeme Guy

Graeme Guy

LNF 2012 Personality Profile

Wildlife Photographer

Graeme Guy was born in Wellington, New Zealand and educated in the Hutt Valley. He practised as a pharmacist in Dunedin, Napier and Hamilton after obtaining a degree in pharmacy. He later obtained a BSc and MSc(Hons) from Waikato University in Hamilton before completing a PhD in Biochemistry in Adelaide, Australia in 1982. After a 5 year stint in Birmingham, U.K. he moved to Singapore where he was a Professor and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology from 1988 and is an author of over 100 scientific papers.

Nature photography has always been an interest but was taken up seriously in the last 15 years and he has won over 1100 awards in International exhibitions as well as 30 cover pictures and a number of published articles and images. He particularly enjoys studying certain species and writing articles about them. While in Singapore he founded the Nature Photographic Society (Singapore) and has judged international exhibitions in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and Austria. He retired in 2011 and is currently resident in Penang, Malaysia.