Nature Destinations

Taman Negara

Wildlife and National Parks Department
Km 10. Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03 9052872 Fax : 03 9052873 Kuala Tahan office, Taman Negara Resort
Kuala Tahan, Jerantut, 27000 Pahang
Tel : 09 2663500 Fax: 09 2663500


By Road

By Road From Kuala Lumpur, a 3hour drive takes you to Jerantut. Then, proceed 16 km north to Kuala Tembeiing Jerantut bound taxis may be found at the Pudu Raya Bus Terminal in Kuala Lumpur. Alternatively, take a bus from the Jalan Tun Razak Bus Station in Kuala Lumpur for Jerantut and from there, take a local bus or taxi to Kuala Tembeling.

By Rail

Train services are available from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The train passes Kuala Tembeling. From Kuala Tembeling, there is a half-hour walk to the jetty.


Size: 4,343 sq km

Highest Point: Gunung Tahan (2,187 meters)

Flora Fauna: Over 10,000 species of plants, 250 kind of birds. Local mammals include mouse deer, barking deer, wild ox, and numerous monkey species. Tapir, elephant, leopard and tiger also present, though not easy to spot. Jungle Walks Amidst Sheer Tranquility Opt for leisurely walks through the lowland forests along scenic jungle paths beautifully landscaped by Mother Nature. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the jungle as you cross clear bubbling streams beneath the shades of centuries old trees. A short walk of 1.5 km (from the Resort) brings you to the Canopy Walkway, a suspension bridge of strong ropes, cable, net and wood hanging 40 meters above the ground!. The walkway offers visitors a scenic walk among the tree tops to observe nature at close range.

Jungle Trekking For The More Energetic

The more active might prefer the tougher challenge of jungle trekking along the numerous trails in the park. Trekking along these trails may take as long as 9 days and require a certain level of fitness but for some, it is a more rewarding experience of an authentic jungle adventure.

Scaling The Highest Peak Gunung Tahan

Offers the adventurous, the heady excitement and challenge of mountain climbing. The journey up and down the mountain takes an average of 9 days. Previous jungle trekking experience would of course be an added advantage though not necessarily a prerequisite.

Thrills And Spills Of Trips Up River

A leisurely 8 km trip up Sungai Tahan to the Lata Berkoh Cascades offers visitors the invigorating experience of swimming in the cool waters of a deep pool below the falls. Then retreat to the rocky area overlooking the rapids for your picnic lunch. The more adventurous would perhaps prefer shooting the seven powerful rapids of the Sungai Tembeling. The 9.1 km ride takes 45 minutes. Hang on tight to your seat and be prepared to get drenched.

Exploring The Mysteries Of Nature’s Caves

Two notable caves within the park area are Gua Daun Menari at Kuala Keniam and Gua Telinga, less than an hour’s walk from Kuala Tahan. The former attracts visitors with its interesting rock formation and unique wildlife. Gua Telinga is a limestone cave carved by a stream, another fine example of nature’s ingenuity.

Observing Wild Life

As Darkness Descends This is a nocturnal activity well worth the effort. There are 6 hides scattered around the Park. Within the relative safety of these hides, overlooking the salt licks and clearings, visitors get a chance to observe the animals as they come to lick up the water and soil for essential salts for their body.

Orang Asli Settlement

Visit Kampung Yong, home to Batek tribe. Gain some insight into the life of the Orang Asli and see how they hunt and survive the wilds.

Bird Watching

Another popular activity within the park, the keen bird watcher will surely not let the park without spotting least a few of the 250 species reportedly to be found here.