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Youth Idol Adventure

eco dusun

On 13th We arrive  Kuala Lumpur on  12th august  around noon. Raj our friend from Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) wait for us at Sg Buloh and we are going to Bentong together.

Conducted at a pristine jungle  located about 45 min drive from Kuala Lumpur, Dusun Eco Resort is a training and recreational village.  The program called Rakan Muda (Youth Idol)  that gather youth volunteers around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. These young group aged 16-25  join the program for basic introduction of volunteerism.

Our responsibility were to make them interested in nature. We need to capture their heart and  explain about nature in a very interesting way. Our daily job  give us  good  knowledge interpreting natural history. That’s a relief.  We divided the group into 3 and each group consist around 25 people.

My group had a very good route that consist everything about trees, herb and wildlife. Some bird come and greet us early that morning. I also manage to get a few lifer, namely Black-crested bul-bul,  Spiderhunter , Treeswift and Babbler. Its feels good when we can share some of amazing stories that make us appreciate what we have right now.

We end up our program with a debrief where all of us sit in a circle. I bring one water bottle and put it in the middle and ask how can we knock the bottle down. Some of them said kick it. Some give the suggestion to push it, blown it and loads more. At last, Izhar walk forward and knock down the bottle. And we pause and think, Its useless just to talk about how to do something. We need to do it. Action speak louder than word.  Our session end in a very overwhelmed condition where I can see through their eyes  that they already interested to become Eco warrior for our nature.

There’s few interesting moment that I love to share with every one. One of it is when we meet one of the senior volunteer that had experience helping Aceh people during tsunami and she bring loads of unforgettable pictures.  Make me appreciate that we still have our mangrove to be proud of and had protect us.


After finish the activity around noon, we had our own activity at Raj home town. Durian season at pahang right now and we wont let go this opportunity to enjoy our self.

I called my aunt to ask permission to stay at her place because our flight is the next day. We took a  bus from Bentong to Kuala Lumpur. On my arrival in Kuala Lumpur late that afternoon I received a sad news. My cousin daughter is in ICU due to brain complication.  She is  just 6 yrs old. We visit her that night  and I cry in my heart looking at my cousin’s ultimate test.  She survive on life saving devices only and by Thursday they will do final brain test before they pull the plug.  Couldn’t imagine  What a decision that my cousin need to face. She passed away on Friday morning when Kuala Lumpur downpour seem like crying for her. May God take care of Engku Sofiya  Engku Shahruddin..

wings of airasia

The trip are my ultimate mixture with fun, adventure,  proud and tears .. bye bye Kuala Lumpur and I am home in Langkawi..