Blog,  Event

Covidien – Give Back to Nature and Community

CSR picture

Once in a while we get a pleasant surprise. Who would have thought that instead of having the “regular tours” on holiday, there are those who chose to give back to nature and local communities .

Planting mangrove

Kelvin Seow, who is the Regional Manager for The Covidien Group, a leading medical equipment supplier,  picked several of our JungleWalla CSR projects during their company’s conference on the island of Langkawi. The area and community we picked for this project was the village of Kuala Teriang.

mangrove aid planting
The three activities chosen was Rainforest Aid, at the Kuala Melaka River Park, Mangrove Aid, at the Kuala Teriang mud flats, and Fish for the Future, for the Kuala Teriang Fishing Community.  It was a lovely morning to start with but just before the event started, a  storm came crashing in. However hats off to the staff of Covidien who regardless of the wet conditions bravely carried on with the projects.

Fish for future

All in all, the group of 180 staff planted 120 rainforest trees; they also donated 30 trees to The Pelangi Beach Resort (where they were then staying), and some 250 mangrove seedlings and  built 3 of the 22 FADS for the fishing community.


I am also please to report that we secured  the permission to reforest Sungai Melaka from LADA and  the local Department of drainage and irrigation . We were also offered the opportunity to adopt another river, which we are very keen to as well.


Event on :20th October 2008.
Pictures Taken by Madi