Langkawi Book
Discovering Langkawi with Irshad Mobarak

Since I stepped foot on to Langkawi shores in 1980’s, the Langkawi Archipelago has cast a spell on me that was never broken. I know now, as do millions of enthusiastic explorers who have flocked to our shores, that Langkawi is a naturalist heaven and more; the forest is a living community of interactive and interdependent relationships, just like our relationships with our families and friends. the many lessons I’ve gained about nature and life have given much direction to my work as a naturalist guide. Through this book, I hope to impart some of these insights as I introduce you to the incredible natural history of this island.
Product details
Title : Discovering Langkawi with Irshad Mobarak
Paperback: 153 pages
Publisher: Irshad Mobarak (September,27, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-967-14455
Product Dimensions: 5 x 8 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 625 grams
Price : RM60 per book including postage in Peninsular Malaysia.