Resume operation Date: 16 June 2020

As we enter into this post post covid and recovery period, JungleWalla open for Operation and Tours on 16th June 2020. Please rest assure your and our staffs health and safety are our top most priority.
All tours are available to cater for the discerning traveler who would appreciate informative, safe and enjoyable tours.
JungleWalla will adhere to SOP outline by goverment during this period. That include taking your temperature, provide hand sanitizer before and after tour. We aill also note down your full name and phone number.
There will be options to have your own transport or pick up too. Should you opted to be picked-up, rest assure that our vehicle follows strict hygiene SOP .
Below is the new SOP for your reference. We thank you for your continuous support. We are looking forward to see you soon.
Keep Langkawi Wild! – JungleWalla Team.