The Gliding Wonder and My Wonder
As It seems like it has picked up my call, with a flash of light, it lurched itself off the tree and into the air. With the help of a very poor light, all I saw was a square-like umbrella that glided itself silently across our faces, into the darkness and “smacked” very gracefully on another tree not far away. The only sound I heard during that action was “WOW!” from all of us. I was mesmerized too.
That action I witnessed was at The Datai Resort when I attended Irshad’s evening walk some years ago. There was another exciting moment when I had the opportunity to meet Norman Lim in person at The Andaman Resort sometime in the early 2010. A team from National Geographic engaged Norman to assist in the documenting of the “Gliding Wonders” and this beautiful creature was one of them. Norman Lim received his B.Sc (Hons) from the National University of Singapore in 2004, with his research project focusing on the autecology of the Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegates) in the forests of Singapore.
Colugo and yes of course, the beautiful creature that I was rambling about earlier and it is also known as the Flying Lemur. Writing about colugo is not the purpose of this blog post for I just want to introduce myself briefly.
Colugo are one of the many reasons that got me landed into Junglewalla. Having left a secured comfortable job as an assistant Naturalist from another resort on the island, I wished to have the opportunity to explore further in the wonders of nature set in our rainforest. Here I am now; finally, the colugo seemed to have summoned me after all those years when I first saw it.
I am Wendy, the newest addition to the team. This is my first appearance to Junglewalla’s blog site and you will be seeing more of me on this site more than anywhere on Langkawi. Therefore, begins the year 2011 with a new beginning with more discoveries with Junglewalla. I also wish to compliment and praise the passionate staff of The Datai and TheAndaman who helped keep a lookout for nature, for us. We do need that third eye.
Please stay connected to our website for more stories on nature. Otherwise, please come join our team who will take you into the darkness to have your eyes lit up, upon seeing this gliding wonder, the Colugo.
References:COLUGO – The Flying Lemur of South East Asia by Norman Lim, NUS.