Resume operation Date: 16 June 2020
As we enter into this post post covid and recovery period, JungleWalla open for Operation and Tours on 16th June 2020. Please rest assure your and our staffs health and safety are our top most priority.
Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) Closure
In line with Prime Minister's announcement on Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) restrictions from 18 March 2020 untill further notice from Malaysia Goverment. We thank you for your continuous support.
Jungle Odyssey
14 May 2000 - by: Lucinda Bredin. Daily mail UK. There’s much more to Langkawi than duty-free shopping, discover Lucinda Bredin and family, here on a recent holiday from England. My elder son was halfway along a plank when our guide dropped the bombshell: 'Don't fall in,' he said.
Tropensatte Tage
Hannah Glaser Keine Bettenburgen, keine Partymeile, keine Strandpromenade. Stattdessen staksen Reiher über den weißen Sand, und hinter dem Hotel beginnt der 400 Jahre alte Regenwald. Die malaysische Insel Langkawi hat sich dem Ökotourismus verschrieben. Der Mann ist nicht nur höllisch attraktiv, er hat auch einen sechsten Sinn. Jedenfalls sieht er ständig etwas, was wir nicht sehen. Irshad Mobarak ist Regenwaldexperte und weiß, wie raffiniert sich die tropische Tierwelt tarnt. Das reglose, angefaulte Wurzelholz neben seinem Fuß? Er tippt es kurz an, und es entfaltet sich zu einer tellergroßen Tarantel, die blitzartig in einer Erdhöhle verschwindet. Ein paar Schritte weiter bleibt unser Dschungelführer vor einem mächtigen Baum stehen. Was ist hier…
Students Fall in Love with Wildlife
They learn to plant saplings the correct way. About 100 primary and secondary students in Langkawi fell in love with the wildlife after spending their weekends jungle-trekking on the island with naturalist Irshad Mobarak. And this went for six months.
Langkawi’s New Groove
Langkawi’s leading naturalist, Irshad Mobarak, has teamed up with 100 choolchildren, under DiGi’s Amazing Malaysians project, to save the island’s natural treasures.
A true-blue naturalist
Langkawi's wildlife is now in danger of extinction due to habitat segmentation and in-breeding. A man dubbed ‘The Jungle-Wallah’ by DiGi’s Amazing Malaysian 2007 project is helping to arrest this problem.
Enjoying the Wild
One of Malaysia’s most accessible and beautiful tropical islands, Pulau Langkawi’s sun-drenched tropical climate, white powdered and black volcanic beaches, and welcoming people make it a popular tourist destination.
Junglewallah Pulihara Alam Sekitar
Program DiGi Telecommunications Disertai 20 Pelajar Sekolah Sekitar Langkawi Teroka Hutan Simpan Gunung Machinchang. Langkawi : Pemuliharaan hutan bukan saja membantu menyediakan kehidupan yang lebih sempurna, malah dapat mengekalkan khazanah flora dan fauna serta alam semulajadi lain untuk diwarisi generasi akan datang.
West Malaysia Birding
As part of a recent trip to West Malaysia with my dad, I decided to return to Langkawi for 4 days as my last visit had not included any serious birding. I had been in contact withJunglewalla about the possibility of seeing some of the rarer bird types on the island.
Amazing Malaysian Awards
The five Amazing Malaysians selected for their brilliant heritage programmes are Irshad, Pak Saad, Joan, Judeth and Voon Fee. Be amazed at what they do. DEBRA CHONG and SU AZIZ write on the aspirations of five outstanding individuals.
Langkawi Geopark
May 2007. For over 35 years, academicians and naturalist have studied the Langkawi archipelago, which is part of the Gondwana Range, Ample data and information have been gathered on its biodiversity (flora and fauna) from both land and sea, Its geological information has been vast and comprehensive arising from 90 geological research sites or geosites registered.