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JungleWalla – Solar Boat

JungleWalla - Solar BoatJungleWalla hit another milestone this month, after a long wait, at last a Solar Boat dream has become a reality. It arrived in Langkawi on the 2nd of June. We planned to launch it on World Ocean Day (8th June). But as any first model, we quickly stumble over a few teething problems. These matters however quickly settle by the arrival of new replacement engine.  At long last the solar boat will be launch and used for the first time on the 29th June.

Why is it a milestone?. It has been Irshad’s wish for quite a while to have an environmentally friendly motor boats to reduce noise, fuel and exhaust pollutants. Early this year that dream comes true when we meet Philip Johnston, director of Power Eco Energy Solutions. Phil is a new residence in Langkawi and I meet him on one of the Nature Society meeting. Quickly through our contacts, a Malaysian made aluminum boat,  a German made electrical engine and Solar panels put together to create the first ever commercial solar powered boat in Langkawi and Malaysia.

It is silent in operation; obvious advantages in areas such as waterways where the marine and wild life need to be protected. Other areas such as reservoirs, where nature and tranquility need to be preserved, mangroves and inland waterways, have obvious benefits from using such an outboard. As pioneer in nature tourism and supporter of conversations we believed that we will set the trend and many other boat and tour operators will soon follow to convert their boat into Solar-Electric Outboard too.

Its a new beginning that will soon change Langkawi towards a greener island.  So join us and Keep Langkawi Wild!.