Three for Ten…..!!
The rain is here !. It’s arrived a little bit earlier this year companied by the electrical shows and some strong wind. Hey!!! not talking about torrential rain here; it will stop after couple of hours and still get the sun shine. But meanwhile enjoy the downpour and the fresh of the water and earth smell in the air.
Horseshoe Crab An Ancient wonder
Looking at this weird creature remind me of Darth Vader from star wars movie. Just it’s more greenish than shining black helmet.
Rafflesia and birds at Kedah
A phone call from a friend who is the general manager of Bukit Hijau Resort has triggered excitement in The Junglewallas HQ. A flower-bud suspiciously looking like Raffesia grows at his resort. There is no Liana or any root system nearby the flower and it’s appears to be a stand alone flower. If it is what he thinks it is, it will be the first record in Kedah.We decided to go and check it out for our self. Besides we have not been out of the island for quite a while now and this trip is a much needed vacation.
Langkawi in Bloom
All trees bear flowers at one time or another but not all flowers make a visual impact when they are flowering. One of those trees that flower spectacularly is the Crepe-myrtle, but I prefer to call it by its exotic name Rose of India (Lagerstroemia Spp).
Langkawi’s New Groove
Langkawi’s leading naturalist, Irshad Mobarak, has teamed up with 100 choolchildren, under DiGi’s Amazing Malaysians project, to save the island’s natural treasures.
Langkawi Geopark
May 2007. For over 35 years, academicians and naturalist have studied the Langkawi archipelago, which is part of the Gondwana Range, Ample data and information have been gathered on its biodiversity (flora and fauna) from both land and sea, Its geological information has been vast and comprehensive arising from 90 geological research sites or geosites registered.
Forest Trump
February 2003 By Steven Cole The brigadiers eyebrows went up and a smile crept across his face when I told him I was thinking of visiting the Langkawi archipelago, a group of more than 100 mainly uninhabited islands off the north western coast of the Malaysian peninsula.
Edge of Darkness
Edge of Darkness A forbidden cave, a childhood prank, a sudden death; STUART WAVELL returned to Malaysia and retraced events that had haunted him for 40 years.
Adventure into Nature
Adventure into Nature. Borneo Bulletin. Sat/Sun 24/25 January 1998. Irshad Mobarak speaks to Maria. A rapidly growing aspect of tourism is nature. Dubbed ecotourism, it is a timely effort towards preserving the natural heritage and environment of tourist destinations. It is also a smart move as more and more major tourist destinations are losing their appeal along with the attractions they advertise.