Covidien – Give Back to Nature and Community
The three activities chosen was Rainforest Aid, at the Kuala Melaka River Park, Mangrove Aid, at the Kuala Teriang mud flats, and Fish for the Future, for the Kuala Teriang Fishing Community. It was a lovely morning to start with but just before the event started, a storm came crashing in. However hats off to the staff of Covidien who regardless of the wet conditions bravely carried on with the projects.
National Geographic Asia – Geopark Race
I am please to report that we just had National Geographic Channel Asia right here in Langkawi from 19th to 22nd September last month. I had interesting weeks planning and running the Race with the team.
Youth Idol Adventure
Dusun Eco Resort is a training and recreational village. The program called Rakan Muda (Youth Idol) gathers youth volunteers around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The trip are my ultimate mixture with fun, adventure, proud and tears.
The Making of Eco Warriors
Although The JungleWallah of Langkawi project is officially over last February, the seeds the kids collected last year are now ready for planting.
What happened when it rains?
Down pour with thunder and lightning descend on Langkawi !!. Just the blessings we need to clear the haze that has been linger on langkawi sky for the last few days. But this blessing has force us to cancel and postponed all activities to the next day. The Jungle Wallas not on duty?... What a rare occasion.
My Yellow Croc and The Beach
When I try to clean my pc deleting all unnecessary thing I bumped into this lovely picture. This picture taken during my kayak trip while working with wilderness centre.
Tropensatte Tage
Hannah Glaser Keine Bettenburgen, keine Partymeile, keine Strandpromenade. Stattdessen staksen Reiher über den weißen Sand, und hinter dem Hotel beginnt der 400 Jahre alte Regenwald. Die malaysische Insel Langkawi hat sich dem Ökotourismus verschrieben. Der Mann ist nicht nur höllisch attraktiv, er hat auch einen sechsten Sinn. Jedenfalls sieht er ständig etwas, was wir nicht sehen. Irshad Mobarak ist Regenwaldexperte und weiß, wie raffiniert sich die tropische Tierwelt tarnt. Das reglose, angefaulte Wurzelholz neben seinem Fuß? Er tippt es kurz an, und es entfaltet sich zu einer tellergroßen Tarantel, die blitzartig in einer Erdhöhle verschwindet. Ein paar Schritte weiter bleibt unser Dschungelführer vor einem mächtigen Baum stehen. Was ist hier…
Three for Ten…..!!
The rain is here !. It’s arrived a little bit earlier this year companied by the electrical shows and some strong wind. Hey!!! not talking about torrential rain here; it will stop after couple of hours and still get the sun shine. But meanwhile enjoy the downpour and the fresh of the water and earth smell in the air.
Horseshoe Crab An Ancient wonder
Looking at this weird creature remind me of Darth Vader from star wars movie. Just it’s more greenish than shining black helmet.
Rafflesia and birds at Kedah
A phone call from a friend who is the general manager of Bukit Hijau Resort has triggered excitement in The Junglewallas HQ. A flower-bud suspiciously looking like Raffesia grows at his resort. There is no Liana or any root system nearby the flower and it’s appears to be a stand alone flower. If it is what he thinks it is, it will be the first record in Kedah.We decided to go and check it out for our self. Besides we have not been out of the island for quite a while now and this trip is a much needed vacation.
A letter from the wild
This is my first entry in the blog and how nice to start it with a positive note. As of the 1st Feb. 2008 Langkawi got a simple Nature Interpretive at the base of Gunung Raya. It’s been a long time coming, and finally nature has got a home.
Dangerous Beauty
One of my guest ask “ is it fake coz its not moving? ” Wild pit vipers are passive, they will not move unless its necessary.